Theosophy and ART

Theosophy & ARTS

Forget what you have studied at school about modern art (and in general …)

Intent of this page is to make explicit  the theosophical roots in emerging modern and contemporary ART.

Theosophy, what it means

The term “Theosophy” comes from the Greek theosophia, which is composed of two words: theos (“god,” “gods,” or “divine”) and sophia (“wisdom”). Theosophia, therefore, may be translated as the “wisdom of the gods,” “wisdom in things divine,” or “divine wisdom”.

The word “theosophy” was first used in writing during the 3rd to the 6th century of our era by the Alexandrian Neo-Platonic philosophers. They used this term to denote an experiential knowledge that came through spiritual, not intellectual, means. In the course of time, several mystics and spiritual movements in the West (mainly Christian-based) adopted the word “theosophy” in their teachings.  Among them we can find Meister Eckhart in the 14th century…

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